Happy 2018! New year’s resolutions can be tricky. They begin with noble intentions, but by the time February rolls around they are often ancient history. Which is why the plan to include more Beemster in your healthy diet is a smart resolution. It’s totally doable, highly delicious, and the benefits are major. Here’s why incorporating more Beemster into your life will make 2018 your happiest and healthiest year yet:

  • Cheese boasts big health benefits. Old dietary advice to eschew cheese is just that: old! And much of it has been completely discredited. High quality cheese like Beemster is packed with essential nutrients like protein, bone-building calcium and hard-to-get B12, which supports neurological function. Protein helps build muscle and increase satiety. The Journal of the American Heart Association found that eating about an ounce of cheese each day is linked to a 3% lower risk of stroke.
  • Honor tradition. Beemster makes it easy to support farmers and ancient food traditions. Our farmer-owned cooperative was founded in 1901, but our heritage predates that by centuries. In the 1600’s, the Dutch reclaimed a coastal lagoon and created a nutrient-dense pasture. The Beemster Polder yields grasses that are super fertile and full of minerals because of rich slate-blue clay soil. These are the same pastures that our cows graze on today, which is why they give some of the world’s finest milk. Our sustainable practices mean the happiest, healthiest experience possible for our cows, our farmers, and the world that we share.
  • Eat real food. Great food starts with top-notch ingredients. Our herds graze freely on pesticide-free pastures to produce incredible fresh milk, and we never use artificial growth hormones or antibiotics. Our talented artisans turn this milk into great cheese by hand, stirring curds, then carefully aging the wheels to perfection on wooden planks in historic stone warehouses. It’s the same way it’s been done for countless generations. When you slice into a wedge of Beemster, you know exactly what you’re getting: premium milk transformed into great cheese with local tradition and incredible expertise.
  • Find joy in what you what you eat. All of this wouldn’t matter if Beemster didn’t taste wonderful. All of the impeccable finesse, work, and care that goes into crafting Beemster gets translated into complex and amazing flavor.

Here are some recipes to get 2018 started on a delicious, healthful note. These feature Beemster Lite & Paradiso Reserve, which are both made with lower fat milk, yet are 100% natural, complex and full of great flavor. And you definitely get bonus points for taking the time to cook and eat with someone you love as much as possible in 2018.